Jesus Work Ministry

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This site is among a network of websites by Jesus Work Ministry with major keys for our extraordinary times. Keys on prayer & fasting, spiritual warfare, deliverance, prophecy, etc. Please see the lower part of this page for links to these major sections.


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Major Spiritual Resources



1. Christian Basics
2. General Principles
3. Prayer & Fasting Keys
4.a) Spiritual Warfare
4.b) Deliverance Ministry
5. Evangelism & Service
6. Discipleship Ministry
7. Singleness, Marriage, etc
8. Christian Financial Keys
† Biblical Sabbath (not Sat.)
† Bible Prophecy






Jesus Work’s Websites



† More Jesus Work’s Sites






Jesus Work Ministry Links
Links to 1) Jesus Work’s main sites, 2) Links to partner sites, and 3) Links to other ministries

1. Links to Our Main Websites

Jesus Work Ministry
At Main website. Current website. It’s the main (parent) website of the entire ministry. Old sites include,, and

All Fasting Principles
All Fasting Principles at Christian prayer and fasting resource website & online community. It has resources on Christian disciplines that constitute our most important weapons of warfare: prayer and fasting. A Jesus Work Ministry site.

Deliverance Ministry and Deliverance Books
At A website with major resources on Christian deliverance, deliverance ministry, and healing principles. Free books online on deliverance and breakthrough principles. A Jesus Work Ministry site.

Christian Warfare (Spiritual Warfare)
At A website with major resources on Christian spiritual warfare, with indepth biblical content on the dos and don'ts on spiritual warfare.

All Warfare Spiritual Warfare Website
At A website with major resources on Christian spiritual warfare, with indepth biblical content on the dos and don'ts on spiritual warfare. It’s a new additional website acquired due its short name that’s easy to remember:

Spiritual Warfare
At An old website website on Christian spiritual warfare, deliverance ministry, general deliverance and healing principles. A Jesus Work Ministry site.

Christian Audio Sermons and All Audio Sermons
At and Free audio sermons. Christian MP3 sermons online for free download, for spiritual growth, non-commercial and for evangelism use. Jesus Work Ministry websites.

Breaking Curses
At Website with major content and resources on breaking all kinds of curses. Breaking family curses, breaking curses from God, breaking curses from people, breaking curses from self-infliction, breaking generational curses, breaking territorial curses. A Jesus Work Ministry site.

Breaking Generational Curses
At Website with major content and resources on breaking generational curses. A Jesus Work Ministry site.

Christian Equality
At A website on Christian Equality from a biblical perspective. Not to be confused with the New Age Movement with its antiChrist agenda that is aimed at breaking biblical values and principles in society. The website’s current focus is on women’s development, empowering women and men with core biblical values that equip us to walk as equals in the body of Christ, and to overcome misinterpreted biblical teachings that have limited and hindered the utmost level of contribution women could make in the body of Christ. A ministry website for both Christian women and men.

All Pentecostal
At Website focusing on Jesus Work Ministry’s main denomination of affiliation: Pentecostal denomination. Largely dealing with correcting some major doctrinal teachings our denomination misinterprets from the bible. The teachings on spiritual warfare and on deliverance.

Pentecostal, just like ALL other denominations and non-denominations, has its well grounded areas and also it’s biblically flawed areas. Some flaws are minor while others have harmful consequences. For example, in our Pentecostal denomination it’s the spiritual warfare doctrine that’s likely the most harmful. Please visit for indepth info. Jesus Work labors to correct these known major doctrinal flaws to protect or save fellow believers from consequences of applying harmful teachings. is dedicated to this work.

Jezebel Spirit (Revelation and overcoming the end-time Jezebel Spirit)
Website dedicated to exposing and overcoming the end-time Jezebel Spirit. Deliberately chose the web name (and fortunate to have found the web address not taken in November 2005). The site content integrating a few worthy secular principles to the topic (e.g. on some studies on Personality Disorders (PDs)).


2. Links to Partner Websites

Heaven's Family
Ministry webiste of Pastor David Servant, author of (among other books) Modern Myths about Satan and Spiritual Warfare.

Refuge Ministries
Refuge Ministries is a ministry with the purpose of reaching those that are involved in the occult, Satanism, Wicca and witchcraft. Refuge Ministries is headed by Jeff Harshbarger a former Satanist now follower of Jesus Christ. Refuge Ministries offers resources, Biblical counseling and the site contains well balanced articles on the various practices of the occult.

Bethel Orphanage Ministry at
A Christian charity fighting poverty, AIDS and other challenges in Kafue, Zambia, Africa.

ChildHope, Zambia at
Another Christian charity fighting poverty, AIDS and other challenges in Zambia, Africa.

Has a few links to gospel resources, including

Zambia, Africa at
All about Zambia, people of Zambia, culture, lifestyle, history, news, etc. A Zambian website with online resources for Zambians & all people. Connecting globally, promoting charity, education, business, safari & tourism, music, etc.- including Christian resources.

Gondwe Online-
Sister website to and other affiliated country websites. A people network website and Christian website linked to Jesus Work.

The Harvard at
A website still in development as a source of famous quotations and other academic resources.

3. Links to Other Recommended Websites

Offers hundreds of audio sermons (mainly in MP3 format) that can be downloaded. Also offers a diverse list of free Christian resources for all online Christian groups, including webmasters and webmistresses (webpublishers).
A prayer center that allow people to post prayer requests and in turn get thousands to pray for them. If you would like to submit a prayer request, it will be shared with our community of faithful Christians, so that they may pray for you.

Community Bible Church, Vallejo, CA
Ministry webiste of Community Bible Church, under Pastor Steve Fernandez, author of Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare.
Another Christian resource center. Has free Christian software and some at evangelism prices. For personal spiritual growth as well as evangelism purposes. A must see website for webpublishers and parents looking for Christian software.

Vineyard Church of Lewiston
Vineyard Church of Lewiston, ME, has  great audio and text sermons that can be downloaded. Worthwhile for those still living behind fortressed denominational walls. Vineyard embraces both Baptist and Pentecostal diehards. Other evangelicals will have no problems.

Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ covers on one of the most important and most challenging Christian disciplines - fasting. He’ll give you no excuse for avoiding fasting.

Peninsula Bible Church
Ray C. Stedman, David H. Roper and other speakers from Peninsula Bible Church (PBC) of Palo Alto, California have hundreds of  great audio sermons (MP3 format) that can be downloaded.



† Main sections of Jesus Work network of websites:
†Christian Keys †Warfare †Deliverance Ministry  †Breaking Strongholds †Breaking Curses †Occult Deliverance †Forums

†Fasting Keys  †Sabbath Keys †Social Keys  †Financial Keys  †Health Keys  †Life's Purpose  †Prophecy  †Bibles

†About Us  †Contact Us  †Support Jesus Work  †Free Books  †Audio Sermons  †Charities  †Store  †News †More

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© 2004-  Jesus Work Ministry (main official site at [Privacy Policy] [All Biblical,  All Pentecostal, All Baptist]
 (Freely copy & share content for spiritual growth, non-commercial & for evangelism use, acknowledging authors. Contact Jesus Work Ministry for any other use)


More Jesus Work’s Websites 

Jesus Work Ministry: Non-profit Christian resource ministry for effective Christian living and spiritual growth. Major resource center on spiritual warfare, Christian deliverance, and healing ministry. Main and official website at, for all the websites under Jesus Work Ministry.

Below are links for this current website’s sub-section:

[About Jesus Work Ministry] [Prayer & Fasting Community] [Support Jesus Work] [Jesus Work Books] [Charity Section] [Prayer of Salvation] [Online Bibles] [News at Jesus Work] [Online Forums] [Social Networks] [Jesus Work Store] [Link Jesus Work] [Jesus Work Links] [Share Jesus Work Website] [Submit Ministry Link] [Free Stuff] [Jesus Work Site Map]


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